Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wendy Krick | People Need to See (or hear) it 3 times

Wendy Krick | People Need to See (or hear) it 3 times

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wendy Krick | How Can You Make Money Blogging?

You really don't need to have a fancy website to make money online. I make a good amount of income simply by posting to a few blogs within my niche daily. Here is a Press Release that I wrote earlier which gives you some easy ideas on how you can monetize your blog so you can start earning. Check it out.

How Can You Make Money Blogging?

image credit:  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net

What's Your Why?

I recently read an article, but I can't remember when but it talked about Mohamed Ali and how he became the best boxer of all time. It was real simple. It never occurred to him that he couldn't do it. He just knew he could.

The thing that I love most about internet marketing is that anyone can be successful. There isn't a boss or person holding you back. The opportunity to make real money is right there. Anyone can find success. But you need to believe that you can do it and you need to have a powerful why.

To help you figure out your why, imagine what your life would be like if you had all the money your needed and you never had to go back to your job. What would your life look like? How would you and your family spend your time? What would your home be like?

You really can find real success! Don't be afraid to dream.

What if anything you wanted was obtainable and if you need more money to get it, you could get it easily...?

This is powerful stuff!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Secret To Selling Online

Believe it or not making money online is not the result of hard work. Yes, in the beginning of building a successful business you will need to work hard getting it set up. But ultimately once you are up and running, you should be able to sell online without working hard.

Heres The Magic Of Selling Online

Different Ways to Reach Customers

Diversification is the name of the game if you want to reach as many customers as you possibly can. People are busier than ever before and are finding ways to maximize the time they have. This means you need to meet these potential customers where they are.

Email is a great way to keep your customers informed, but you should not limit yourself to email campaigns only. Today's technology offers a variety of ways for you to reach customers in different ways.

Consider using mobile marketing campaigns to reach customers who are on the go. A few short years ago, texting was not very popular. Today, almost everyone uses text messaging daily to keep up with loved ones.

Social media has taken even greater leaps in a shorter period of time. By leveraging your Twitter and Facebook accounts, you can build relationships with your customers that really last.

There are many ways to stay in touch with your prospects and clients. I would love to share my ideas about this with you, so give me a call to chat.

Much Success!

P.S. Are you using mobile text messaging in your marketing system yet?

Wendy's Hubpages Blog