Friday, December 26, 2008

Is There Really Such a Thing as FREE MLM Mentoring and Training?

Free Training- There's got to be a catch! Right?

That's exactly what I thought when I first came across Mentoring For Free.

Well I'm here to tell you that yes, I am offering you free training and you're probably wondering if there's a catch. I totally understand that. You see all you have to do is go to Google and do a search for free training and yes, there are lots of Guru's offering you Free Training, but it's not really free. You get to look at the website, but then if you want the "real training kit of Secret knowledge" well then that is going to cost you. So I can understand why you wouldn't believe me.

So why do we offer Free training? Well it's about the law of life. You see, when you help enough people get what they want it comes back 10 fold.

So have a look at my lens and if you think you want to find out about our free training calls, or set up a free coaching call with Michael Dlouhy, just let me know.I appreciate you!Wendy Krick410-374-8327 (anytime)

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