Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Generate leads with Squidoo (click-by-click)

I have met the most amazing people through social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Squidoo.

Social Sites are great ways to keep in touch with friends as well as a great way to make new friends. Social Media is also an wonderful way to generate very highly targeted leads for your business.

I am building my home based business without spending money one advertising. I simply build relationships with people and make new friends. I don't know about you, but it sure is a fun way to grow a business.

I am generating tons of leads just from squidoo. Check out this video that Mike Klinger put together to help teach people how to Squidoo. You will be amazed at the amount of traffic you can generate. Click here to watch free video.

Oh yeah, and here is my latest lens.

PS... If you don't have a squidoo account, you can get started here.

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