Friday, October 15, 2010

Mobile IS the future of online marketing

When the CEO of Google says their new focus is "Mobile First" while addressing Congress, online marketers should take notice.

Since the creation of the iPhone 51.15 million units have been sold, according to first quarter Apple earnings reports in 2010. The number is of course growing with 90,000 units shipped daily.

Google, is reporting that 65,0000 Android licensed phones ship daily.

48% of all Hong Kong consumers own a web enabled smart phone.

Apple is intentionally redirecting their product line towards the portable market, the success of the iPad is just an initial forecast into what they believe the future of online "computing" will hold.

In May 2010, Google acquired AdMob, a mobile only advertising network, in the Google blog and related press releases, Google points out that their own data of mobile search and mobile usage is showing a five fold increase in mobile based requests yearly and that this number is increasing exponentially. Google recognizes the writing on the wall, so to say.

1 comment:

Abigail@internet network marketing said...

I think there is a great possibilities that Mobile IS the future of online marketing. As what I have seen on the internet that there are lots of information about it. By the way thanks for sharing.

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