If you are a network marketer then you know that it takes time to grow your business and that it takes time to generate good quality prospects for your business. It also takes time to build a business. This is NOT get rich quik. It takes time and effort. Most people don't start to see real residual income for 2-3 years. The problem is lots of people quit before they start to see results.
One of the biggest frustrations that people have in growing a business is in finding good quality leads. And in a effort to get people to join their business they are actually scaring people away by using old school methods and high pressure sales tactics that don't work.
What works is attraction marketing. The best leads are the ones who come to you. Wouldn't it be great if you could attract prospects to you who are looking to join a business. Better yet what if you got paid even if they didn't join you in your business? This is why I use a funded proposal. A funded proposal is when you offer an inexpensive information product in order to gain the persons contact information. What you end up with is a list of people who are looking for what you have to offer. You can create your own system or you can use one that is already created like Magnetic Sponsoring. This is the one that I use. It is only 10:30am and I have already earned an extra $20. The benefit of using a funded proposal is you get paid even if the person never signs up for your business. It is a win win for everyone. I get to help people and give them good quality information to help them with their business plus I am being paid for my time and effort.
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