Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Creating an Affiliate Store

Over the last few months I have been looking for ways to take my affiliate home based business to the next level. I have been earning a nice part time income by using free sites like Squidoo and Hubpages to market my affiliate products. But I have recently created a WordPress Blog that is actually a WordPress store. And I am already starting to see some sales. So I am excited.

First I had to learn about how to set up a wordpress blog. That was easy. I was able to find lots of tutorials on youtube to help me set up a blog. Then I discovered Datafeedr which taught me step by step how to set up my own affiliate datafeed store. I had it up and running in about 24 hours.

If you want to take your affiliate marketing efforts to the next level, then Watch the video at Datafeedr.com and see how easy it is to set up your own affiliate data feed stores.

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Wendy's Hubpages Blog